" Mary went out in the the garden as quickly as possible, and the first thing she did was to run round and round the fountain flower garden ten times. She counted the times carefully and when she had finished she felt in better spirits. The sunshine made the whole place look different. The high, deep, blue sky arched over Misselthwaite, as well as over the moor, and she kept lifting her face and looking up into it, trying to imagine what it would be like to lie down on one of the little snow-white clouds and float about. She went into the first kitchen garden and found Ben Weatherstaff working there with two other gardeners. The change in the weather seemed to have done him good. He spoke to her of his own accord.
‘Springtime’s coming,’ he said. ‘Cannot tha’ smell it?’
Mary sniffed and thought she could.
‘I smell something nice and fresh and damp,’ she said.
‘That’s the’ good rich earth,’ he answered, digging away. ‘It’s in a good humour makin’ ready to grow things. It’s glad when plantin’ time comes. In th’ flower gardens out there things will be stirrin’ down below in th’ dark. Th’ sun’s warmin’ ‘em. You’ll see bits o’ green spikes sticking out o’ th’ black earth after a bit.’
‘What will they be?’ asked Mary.
‘Crocuses an’ snowdrops an’ daffydowndillys. Has tha’ never seen them?’
‘No. Everything is hot, and wet, and green after the rains in India,’ said Mary. ‘And I think things grow up in a night.’
‘These won’t grow up in a night,’ said Weatherstaff. ‘Tha’ll have to wait for ‘em. They’ll poke up a bit higher here, and push out a spike more there, an’ uncurl a leaf this day an’ another than. You watch ‘em.’
‘I am going to,’ answered Mary."
— The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
cited from pinkofperfection.com
Šiandien ir pas mus pagaliau išlindo saulė and it made the whole Klaipeda look differently. Daugiau judesio gatvėse, daugiau prasilenkiančių šypsenų, daugiau tikėjimo...Kad tuoj we’ll see bits of green spikes sticking out on the black earth. Belieka neužmerkti akių, ir stebėti vykstančius pokyčius. Nepasiduoti orų prognozių keliamam liūdesiui, kai jos skelbia, kad dar lis...:) Galvokime pozytyviai! Lietus palaisto žemę ir paruošia ją atsigavimui...:)
Visą dieną buvau puikios pavasarinės nuotaikos, kad net išdrįsau užsidėti trumpesnes rankoves (neišsigąskit - lauke žieminės striukės dar nepamiršau :)
Outfit items
- Bliuskutė. - Centrinis piece - (New Look) Iš Second hand'o iki 10lt. (1 kartą)
- Liemenė. Stradivariu ~ 40lt (4)
- Bliuskutė ant šleikučių, pamauta po viršutine bliuskute. (Bik Bok) Iš Second Hand'o 5lt. (1)
- Džinsai. Bershka ~ 130lt (7)
- Batai. Iš Kretingos, lenkiški 90lt (8)
- Laikrodis-pakabukas. Vintage. Priklausė mano seneliui, todėl neįkainojamas. (1)
- Laikrodis ant rankos. Vintage. Priklausė mano močiutei (15)
- Ant rankos pire laikrodžio dar matote plaukų gumelę, dėl kurios nesu tikra, kur ją įsigijau.
Šį kartą tiek, manęs laukia ilga diena, tai bėgu miegot :)
koks laikrodis, aš tik apie tokį laikroduką svajoju kada pasipuošti :D graži ištrauka ;) esi drąsi pavasario ištroškusi mergina
you are so cute ! x
Heel erg bedankt Fashion mom ;)))
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